Does your city have any public transport routes that guarantee high-frequency throughout the day? Are they metro/subway routes? Are some on buses? If any of those services are bus routes, are they highlighted as special, or do they seem like any other bus service? The Human Transit blog highlights the importance of being very clear which routes have high-quality, frequent service (regardless of technology): Berlin, for example, presents its system this way: Rapid transit, consisting of U-bahn and S-bahn. (These have numbers starting with U or S. Both are fully grade separated rail transit. ... ) Frequent local-stop transit, called the "Metro-Netz." Metro-Netz service is identified by a route number starting with M, and this supposedly guarantees service every 10 minutes or better for 20 hours a day. Metro-Netz service can be either streetcar or bus. Less-frequent local-stop transit, which is identified by a route number without an initial letter. Obvio...