Is your city considering Bus Rapid Transit? If so then you are in fine company . As more and more cities implement BRT, we are gradually learning what works and what doesn't. DON'T put your BRT in an outer lane by the curb Much more than median lanes, curb-side lanes are prone to delay from turning vehicles and stopping taxis and to conflict with bicycle users. So ... DO put BRT in the median location It simply works better in most circumstances. DO have lots of doors ... and make them wide ones Walter Hook of ITDP says that the "size and number of doors is more important than bus size" for speed and capacity of your BRT system. Jakarta's BRT has boarding problems DO have level boarding of the buses Having no steps up when boarding makes for speedier boarding and universal accessibility. DO have prepaid boarding in stations This also speeds up boarding. DON'T skimp on pedestrian access to the stations Some people think this is only an issue for median BRT lan...