Cheap motorised two-wheelers have long been ubiquitous in various Asian countries. Now their numbers are surging in Africa too. Taiwan was apparently the pioneer of mass motor scooter ownership and use in the 1970s. Scooters lined every footway in 1996 when I visited Taipei. Today Vietnam's cities are the undisputed motorcycle capitals of the world. The volume of motorcycle traffic in Vietnamese cities is astounding! Ho Chi Minh City = Motorcycle City Motorcycles are also significant in (among others) Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia, parts of China, and increasingly India. We have seen in Asia that motorcycles can be both highly problematic and a boon for people who sorely need better mobility. The dilemmas often create ambivalence, which is reflected in the diverse policies seen in Asian cities. Some welcome and accommodate motorcycles (as in Malaysia) while some seek to limit or even ban them (as in some Chinese cities). Vietnam's large cities have recently been tryin...